It doesn't help that Evan tried to subdue them all as part of said reunion. Crazy Jealous Guy: He does not take the reunion with Evan well, at all.Proves subverted when Cassie learns he was playing possum, and Evan returned into their lives. Character Death: About half-way through the second book, Cassie finds his corpse while fighting one of the two divisions of Child Soldiers Vosch sent after them.Now, she's a gun-toting badass who kills aliens. Took a Level in Badass: In Cassie's back story, she's your average schoolgirl.Stellar Name: Cassiopeia is a constellation.

Small Girl, Big Gun: Cassie and her precious, precious M16.How Nurse Pam failed to notice when she had the kill switch in hand is a mystery. She shoves her tracking implant up Pam's nose while the latter is unconscious. Schmuck Bait: She uses some on Nurse Pam.I Will Find You: Cassie's main goal is to find and rescue her five-year-old brother.Deadpan Snarker: Her stinging sense of humor is one of the few traces of humanity she still has.Daddy's Girl: You get the impression that Cassie was this before her dad was brutally killed by the Others impersonating the military.Dare to anyway, and she will hunt you down and put a bullet in your head, even if it takes her months or even years. Berserk Button: Do not even think about touching Cassie's brother.Action Survivor: Without getting any kind of military training, she outfights and outthinks Others posing as well-trained human soldiers through her instincts and more than a little luck.