To save yourself the trouble on subsequent launches you might want to set it as start up profile. Is there not a post somewhere that describes how to configure the X52 for ED Imagine a blank slate. Save the profile and switch to it by clicking the X52 icon in tray and selecting the name of the profile you've just created. 1 I just spent 2 hours digging through the forums here and elsewhere and trying to get my old Saitek X52 Pro to behave properly in Elite Dangerous and I can't figure out the right combination to get it to work right. You might also want to clear the assignments for the scroll wheel and mouse fire the same way you did with the wheel button.

Also remove the shift button for the remaining shift state by clicking the blue icon below the mode name. If you don't use the SST for Elite Dangerous I suggest you also remove all the shift state columns save for the first one by clicking the "x" icon next to each mode name. The button will now work normally in game To fix this problem you have to create a new profile in SST (the default profile uses this button to emulate right mouse button) by clicking the X52 icon in your tray and selecting "profile editor", then scroll down to "wheel button" and switch it to "unprogrammed" by clicking the arrow to the right of button name and selecting appropriate option. Hey mike and pleasant to the discussion board:-)okey sick perform my greatest to reply your queries:-)Queen1 Iv acquired a look around in are usually packs and sadly we don't possess an non pro Back button52, not certain if anyone on the discussion board can provide you one right here.Queen2 I possess an x52 pro myself, iv not experienced any issues with newest binds that come with the group.Don't listen to people telling you to uninstall drivers. Will he mean just proceed into Male impotence and alter the bindings personally to match up the desk he submitted?Q4: any additional general assistance for someone about to connect in an Times52 for the 1st time?!regards for any help you can provide!thanksMike. One file i actually can simply load into Male impotence's bindings directory website and solve entire world hunger) after that i'm not really 100% sure what the option provided by Gangrel (in the hyperlink in Queen2 above) entails.